In a world where the unexpected can happen at any moment, offering a safety net to those in dire need is a noble endeavour. Local councils are the guardians of our communities, responsible for providing assistance and shelter during times of crisis and upheaval. As a compassionate and dedicated partner, Tiss-Mema Properties stands ready to collaborate with local councils to meet the growing demand for temporary and emergency accommodation.

Tiss-Mema Properties recognises the critical role local councils play in ensuring the well-being of their communities. Our mission is to complement your efforts by offering a safe haven for those in need, whether it’s a family facing eviction, individuals seeking refuge from a natural disaster, or any other emergency situation.

By partnering with us, local councils can rest assured that they have a dedicated partner in times of crisis. We pledge our unwavering support and commitment to making the lives of your community a little bit easier during their most challenging moments.